Thursday, May 17, 2007

Not happy !

In the previous post I told about how happy I was with my Briar Rose yarns. Well that's over !
At the moment I am feeling very unhappy and that is an understatement.
See the picture below ?

Do you see the difference between the left and right ball ?
I decided to wind the other skein I have in a cake and then I found out that they are not the same AT ALL !
The one at the rigt is more rusty with greens and the other has more pinks and golds. In real the difference is even more obvious.
I don't know why I didn't see this before I started to knit with it. Must have been the heat of the moment I guess. How could I have missed this I keep asking myself this again and again.
With the yarn itsself is nothing wrong, it knits up like a dream, the skeins just don't match.
So I can't continue to knit with it anymore because one ball is NOT enough to finish it.
Yesterday I almost made it to the final repeat of the first half.....
I will have to rip it, but not just yet.............


gabriella said...

oh, so so very sad when that happens, isn't it? this is something i run into a lot - either the yarn is wrong, or there isn't enough, or the sizing is off...sigh - 'tis the life of a knitter! but keep pressing on - it is a lovely pattern! ~gabriella :)

Cheryl said...

Yikes, that's a big difference! Could you maybe alternate row by row with each skein to get a uniform result?