I was happily knitting my way into clue 4 when I noticed something was wrong. I tried to ignore it, showed it to husband and children who said it didn't show and I would be crazy to rip it back. Knitted a few rows more, went to bed and checked again this morning. I decided I couldn't live with it so rip back it was......
I'm almost to the point where I was before, not quite but still close. Well what are a couple of hours of knitting compared to the fact that you have to look at your own mistake for who knows how long ?
I don't see the mistake, but you know it's there. I know it would bother me as well, and I'd have to rip too. You did the right thing, I think. Like you said, you'd have to live with that mistake for who know's how long? It really is looking lovely, btw :) Happy knitting, and NO more froggy visits!!
Oh, and I forgot to say in my comment on your previous post ..... I love your bunny! We used to have one that lived in our garden for years but one night I forgot to lock him away until about midnight and he had disappeared :-(
I can identify with that feeling. Might as well rip it back. You wouldn't have been happy even if nobody else would have noticed it. It's very pretty.
Ripping back makes you a stronger knitter... at least that's my own motto :)
You will have more peace!
Snap I too did the same thing on a shawl I am making at the moment. I carried on knitting then late last night thought NO I can't live with it and frogged 30 rows. You have to live with it and I know me , not only would it spoil the FO but I would point it out to all and sundry !!
Such discipline! I'm not sorry I would have had that kind of fortitude, sometimes little mistakes like that don't bother me if it doesn't throw the pattern. In fact I think of them as part of what makes something I made unique to me. :-)
I am with you. I would totally rip it out. Everytime you wore it you would know about the error and it would irritate you (at least it would me).
It's coming along just beautifully.
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